Linux Shell

Air780e 短信转发


  • 此脚本会消耗流量

  • 在更新日志中有提到:

V1002已支持SMS中英文短信收发, 支持长短信自动合并. 但值得提醒的是, 电信卡不可用

  • 我用联通卡测试成功


  1. 请先阅读三遍官方文档: 烧录教程
  2. 刷机工具下载:Luatools


  1. 先下载固件

Understanding Redis Background Memory Usage

Author: Tiago Ilieve

Via: Here

A closer look at how the Linux kernel influences Redis memory management

Recently, I was talking to a long-time friend, previous university colleague and former boss, who mentioned the fact that Redis was failing to persist data to disk in low memory conditions. For that reason, he advised to never let a Redis in-memory dataset to be bigger than 50% of the system memory. Thinking about how wasteful that practice would be, it’s interesting to understand why this can happen and look for alternatives to assure that Redis will be able to use as much memory as there’s available to it, without sacrificing its durability.

rsync 原理



假设待传输文件为A,如果目标路径下没有文件A,则rsync会直接传输文件A,如果目标路径下已存在文件A,则发送端视情况决定是否要传输文件A。rsync默认使用"quick check"算法,它会比较源文件和目标文件(如果存在)的文件大小和修改时间mtime,如果两端文件的大小或mtime不同,则发送端会传输该文件,否则将忽略该文件。

在google voice app上接听电话

一朋友刚到漂亮国的前几天,因没提前准备当地的电话卡,网申又需要好几天,而他又需要买买买,我给他推荐了google voice,又因为自己是键盘出国,当使用时才发现别人呼叫进来的全进了语音信箱,遂研究解决方案并记录一下。